Sunday, May 20, 2012


While collecting eggs this evening, this girl was sitting in the nest - and her eye looked funny. So, I brought the hen in, handed her to my sister, and started looking up chicken eye problems. I started with swollen and/or blocked tear duct. Rabbit-trailed on eye worm, then took a good look at the bulbous growth that was sitting on the hen's face. Could it really be eye worm? But you don't get eye worms unless you have cockroaches. I haven't seen any roaches at all. Mice? Yes, but no roaches. I pulled out the gloves from the first aid kit just in case; this could get really gross really fast. Emotionally bracing myself for the disgusting, I started getting a closer look at the thing, whatever it is. It didn't seem to cause her any pain, even when I was poking it. With no other observations to be made, I let the girl back outside. Besides the swollen eye, the hen seems to be just fine! Just wish I could figure out what it is... 

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