Sunday, March 30, 2014

Catching Up

Has it really been over a month since I last posted? Bad me. :slaps wrist: Hmm... What to write...

- We got the strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries temporarily planted in the compost pile just until we get the row work finished in their final landing spot.

- Daffodils are blooming! Time to get everything fertilized.

- I've been sewing up a storm. Want to see some of the projects? You can browse through them on my sewing blog.

- Mom has been wracking her brain to figure out the perfect chicken feed mix. It's amazing how much there is out there about chicken feed. And we need to get the chicken feed made pronto since the first batch of meat chicks arrives on Monday (tomorrow?!). I guess we need to get the chicken brooder area cleared out and ready for the newcomers.

- Some sadder news... We lost our blue-eyed buckling a few weeks back. :( He somehow managed to get himself strangled in the cross wires of the fence. We have no idea how he was able to get in there since it took two people to get him out. By the time that we found him there, rigor mortis had already begun to set in; he had been there for a while. All of our other goats wouldn't even go outside as long as the poor little guy was there. Even after we pulled him out and taken him to the back of the property, the does were all very somber for a couple of days.

- To help offset that depressing news, we're supposed to have baby goats soon! Although, we don't know which date the mamas are due since the bucks had gotten out a couple of times. :P We're just playing a waiting game now.

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